Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester 1 K13 Revisi dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester 1 K13 Revisi dan Kunci Jawaban bisa digunakan oleh para guru untuk memberikan pengajaran yang sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan para siswa. Selain itu juga, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini memang pada dasarnya memiliki banyak sekali teori-teori yang perlu untuk diketahui. Apalagi dalam satu semester pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini pasti akan dijelaskan berdasarkan materi-materi tertentu. Sehingga hal itu membutuhkan waktu. Maka dari itu, latihan soal ini wajib ada dikarenakan tidak semua siswa dapat memahami penjelasan dan juga catatan atau buku paket yang ada. Dengan adanya latihan tersebut maka secara tidak langsung para siswa sudah melakukan pengulangan. Dengan adanya pengulangan pengulangan tersebut tentu para siswa jauh lebih paham dan siap dalam menghadapi ulangan.

Para siswa akan lebih siap menghadapi ulangan. Hal itu dikarenakan tidak adanya lagi ketakutan karena siswa sudah memiliki persiapan yang sangat matang. Oleh karena itu, para guru dapat menggunakan latihan soal ini agar siswa lebih mengerti dengan lebih baik dalam belajar pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini. Pada dasarnya pelajaran bahasa Inggris memang menjadi suatu hal yang perlu untuk dipelajari. Sebab, hal itu berkaitan dengan bahasa yang perlu dikuasai oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. Dengan begitu pelajaran bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting sehingga poin-poin yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris ini bisa menjadikan para siswa lebih paham lagi dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris secara teori maupun juga prakteknya. Kemudian di samping itu pula para siswa bisa mengembangkan dirinya secara lebih baik lagi dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan latihan soal ini. Untuk itu para guru dapat menggunakan latihan soal ini juga guna membuat soal ulangan agar apa yang diberikan oleh guru Tidak sia-sia sehingga penjelasan pada saat proses belajar mengajar dan ulangan akan bisa lebih nyambung.

Materi PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

Bab Materi
1 Chapter 1 : It’s English Time
2 Chapter 2 : We Can Do It, and We Will Do It
3 Chapter 3 : We Know What to Do

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 (Multiple Choices)

Choose the correct answer from the question below!

Read the following dialog to answer the questions number 1 and 2

Jessica : I can’t use my bicycle. Mila, do you think you can refit the chain please?

Mila : Yes, I think so. I have done it before.

Jessica : Thank you so much

Mila : No problem


What is Jessica’s problem?

  1. She asks Mila to give her a ride
  2. She can not repair Mila’s bicycle.
  3. She would like to use Mila’s bicycle
  4. Her bicycle’s chain has loosened

Answer : D


When Jessica says, “do you think you can refit the chain please?” It expresses …

  1. Compliments
  2. Asking attention
  3. Check’s Mila understanding
  4. Asking opinion

Answer : D

Read the following dialog to answer the questions number 3 until 5


From the text, we know that ….

  1. Anna refuses to translate Italian letter
  2. Anna cannot read Italian letter attached by a news paper shredder
  3. The paper shredder is from French
  4. Anna is able to communicate in Italian but not in French

Answer : A


Where does the dialogue probably take place?

  1. In a park
  2. In a bank
  3. In a market
  4. In a office

Answer : D


The word “translate” from text above has similar meaning to ….

  1. Obscure
  2. Convert
  3. Take
  4. Remove

Answer : B


The suitable words to complete the sentence is …

  1. Sleep regularly
  2. Take it three times a day
  3. Use them occasionally
  4. Take a rest

Answer : B


The suitable expression to complete dialogue below is ….

Marisa : Hello.

Chacha : Hi, Marisa. Can you play badminton on Sunday?

Marisa : …. I have to go to work.

Chacha : What? On Sunday?

Marisa : Yes, I’m Sorry.

  1. Sure
  2. Yes, I can
  3. With mu pleasure
  4. No, sorry, I can’t

Answer : D


Read the following dialogue to answer the question!

Alexa : What do you suggest for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in public places?

Sea : ….

Alexa : I think so, it’s a good suggestion, Sea.

The suitable expression to complete dialogue above is ….

  1. I think you should apply social distancing at home
  2. I think you must stay home all day
  3. I think you should frequently clean your hands with water and soap
  4. I think you have to consult the doctor

Answer : C


Text “Keep Silent, Please” instruct about …

  1. Don’t talk
  2. Please talk
  3. Talk here
  4. Stop here

Answer : A


Sometimes, Manda comes late to school. His teacher tells him ….

  1. Don’t go to school
  2. Don’t be late
  3. Don’t come back here
  4. Please come late

Answer : B

The following text to answer the question number 11 until 13

To : Zilfa

Congratulations on your success in the mathematics olimpiade. You are the best. We proud of you.

Uncle Habibi and Aunt Ainun


Why Uncle Habibi and Aunt Ainun send the text?

  1. Because they miss Zilfa
  2. Because Zilfa be the best student
  3. Because Zilfa winning mathematics olimpiade
  4. Because becoming the first rank

Answer : C


The underlined word refers to ….

  1. Zilfa
  2. Aunt Ainun
  3. Uncle Habibi
  4. Uncle Habibi and Aunt Ainun

Answer : D


The word “success” from the text mean …

  1. Make good
  2. Failed
  3. Lose
  4. Proud

Answer : A

Read the text below to answer question number 14 and 15


The purpose of text above is …

  1. To invite people to attend the birthday party
  2. To tell people about the important day
  3. To ask someone to hold a party
  4. To celebrate birthday party

Answer : A


Who sent the invitation?

  1. Mark
  2. Alice
  3. Mark’s parent
  4. Alice’s parent

Answer : B


Where will the birthday party be held?

  1. May 14th
  2. Alice’s home
  3. Mark’s home
  4. Colombia mall

Answer : D

Look at the following notice to answer question number 17 until 20


Where you usually see the notice?

  1. A bank
  2. Vaccination center
  3. Home
  4. lavatory

Answer : B


It can be concluded from the notice that ….

  1. Getting information after vaccination can be only done by scanning QR code
  2. Scanning QR code is not compulsory for us
  3. Scanning QR code is a must after getting vaccination
  4. It gives on what we should do after we have received our Covid-19 vaccine

Answer : D


The word “important” from the text has similar meaning to …

  1. Optional
  2. Crucial
  3. Insignificant
  4. Meaningless

Answer : B


“ … what I should do after …”

The word “I’ refers to ….

  1. Officers
  2. Visitors
  3. Vaccinators
  4. Patients

Answer : C

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Essay

Complete the text with suitable word!

Dear Arya

Through the card, I’d like to tell you how you mean to me. You are a (1. berkat) … in my life. You are truly a person who stands by (2. Diriku sendiri) …. And helps me when I need help. I wish I could (3. membalas) … the favor, but I don’t know how. Please accept my deepest sincerely gratitude.





Diriku sendiri



Answer :

21. Blessing

22. Myself

23. Return


Father : Maya’s dad is talking on the phone. Turn down your music.

Indah : …

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …


Sure, Dad.


Maya : Hello. My name is Mayasya Ayunda

Marie : Sorry, can you repeat your first name, again, please?

Maya : It’s Mayasya

Marie : ….

Maya : It’s M-A-Y-A-S-Y-A

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

Answer :

How do you spell that, please?


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